Table for mapping AccuWeather weather conditions with Mike Afford Media ( weather icons. AccuWeather Icon names and Conditions from Accuweather ( MAm (Mike Afford media) Day and Night Icon filenames from the extended (92 icon) symbol sets available at IconNumber Description MAm_Icon 1 Sunny wsymbol_0001_sunny.png 2 Mostly_Sunny wsymbol_0002_sunny_intervals.png 3 Partly_Sunny wsymbol_0043_mostly_cloudy.png 4 Intermittent_Clouds wsymbol_0002_sunny_intervals.png 5 Hazy_Sunshine wsymbol_0005_hazy_sun.png 6 Mostly_Cloudy wsymbol_0043_mostly_cloudy.png 7 Cloudy wsymbol_0003_white_cloud.png 8 Dreary_Overcast wsymbol_0004_black_low_cloud.png 11 Fog wsymbol_0007_fog.png 12 Showers wsymbol_0018_cloudy_with_heavy_rain.png 13 Mostly_Cloudy_with_Showers wsymbol_0010_heavy_rain_showers.png 14 Partly_Sunny_with_Showers wsymbol_0010_heavy_rain_showers.png 15 Thunderstorms wsymbol_0024_thunderstorms.png 16 Mostly_Cloudy_with_Thunderstorms wsymbol_0016_thundery_showers.png 17 Partly_Sunny_with_Thunderstorms wsymbol_0016_thundery_showers.png 18 Rain wsymbol_0018_cloudy_with_heavy_rain.png 19 Flurries wsymbol_0019_cloudy_with_light_snow.png 20 Mostly_Cloudy_with_Flurries wsymbol_0011_light_snow_showers.png 21 Partly_Sunny_with_Flurries wsymbol_0011_light_snow_showers.png 22 Snow wsymbol_0020_cloudy_with_heavy_snow.png 23 Mostly_Cloudy_with_Snow wsymbol_0012_heavy_snow_showers.png 24 Ice wsymbol_0046_cold.png 25 Sleet wsymbol_0021_cloudy_with_sleet.png 26 Freezing_Rain wsymbol_0050_freezing_rain.png 29 Rain_and_Snow wsymbol_0021_cloudy_with_sleet.png 30 Hot wsymbol_0045_hot.png 31 Cold wsymbol_0046_cold.png 32 Windy wsymbol_0060_windy.png 33 Clear wsymbol_0008_clear_sky_night.png 34 Mostly_Clear wsymbol_0041_partly_cloudy_night.png 35 Partly_Cloudy wsymbol_0041_partly_cloudy_night.png 36 Intermittent_Clouds wsymbol_0044_mostly_cloudy_night.png 37 Hazy_Moonlight xxxxxxx 38 Mostly_Cloudy wsymbol_0044_mostly_cloudy_night.png 39 Partly_Cloudy_with_Showers wsymbol_0026_heavy_rain_showers_night.png 40 Mostly_Cloudy_with_Showers wsymbol_0026_heavy_rain_showers_night.png 41 Partly_Cloudy_with_Thunderstorms wsymbol_0032_thundery_showers_night.png 42 Mostly_Cloudy_with_Thunderstorms wsymbol_0032_thundery_showers_night.png 43 Mostly_Cloudy_with_Flurries wsymbol_0027_light_snow_showers_night.png 44 Mostly_Cloudy_with_Snow wsymbol_0028_heavy_snow_showers_night.png ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES: (1) AccuWeather give values of Yes/No for 'Day' and 'Night' for each icon depending on whether the sun or moon is shown in the icon. So icons 1,2,3,4,5,6,13,14,16,17,20,21 are 'Day' only. Icons 33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44 are 'Night' only. All other icons (7,8,11,12,15,18,19,22,24,25,26,29,30,31,32) can be shown for day or night. The parameter 'IsDayTime' returns true=day, false=night. (2) I have used the 'Mostly Cloudy' icon to also represent 'Partly Sunny' (I think it makes sense to do this as it gives us different icons for 'Partly Sunny' and 'Mostly Sunny'. I have also used my 'Sunny Intervals' to represent both 'Mostly Sunny' and 'Intermittent Clouds', but you may prefer to use my 'Mostly Cloudy' for their 'Intermittent Clouds'. (3) AccuWeather have specified icon 12 ('Showers') as being usable day and night. Personally I would prefer to see a sun or moon symbol if we are talking specifically about 'showers' rather than (generally more persistent) 'rain'. Also there seems to be no way of showing whether the showers are light, heavy or extreme. For these reasons I have used 'wsymbol_0018_cloudy_with_heavy_rain.png'. If you are able to determine if the icon is daytime or night, then I would suggest using 'wsymbol_0010_heavy_rain_showers.png' for day, and 'wsymbol_0026_heavy_rain_showers_night.png'. There are also alternative icons that represent 'light' rain showers which you might prefer to use. (4) I have used the same 'Heavy Rain Showers' to represent both 'Mostly Cloudy with Showers' and 'Partly Sunny with Showers'. This is to be consistent with (2) above, and also just in case a 'Mostly Sunny with Showers' is added in the future. (5) I have used my 'Thundery Showers' icon for both 16 and 17 for the same reason as (2) and (4) above. (6) I have used my icon for 'cold' for AccuWeather's icon 24 ('ice'), but depending which of my icon sets you are using, you might prefer 'freezing drizzle', 'freezing fog', 'freezing rain' or even 'snow'. (7) Icon 7 ('Cloudy') can apparently be used for daytime or nighttime. I have assigned wsymbol_0003_white_cloud.png, but depending on which of my icon sets you are using, you might prefer wsymbol_0004_black_low_cloud.png especially if you are able to assign a different version just for night-time.